Do you have a well defined scope for
your next software project?

Quick FPA's free estimation tools will help you create a
detailed project scope in very little time and ensure that
your project stays within the budget.

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Why is project scope so important?

Software projects are broken down by the list of different actions
performed by the users of the software.


These actions are known as use cases. Each use case is implemented differently and the style of implementation dictates the programming effort required by its developers. Once you have a well defined list with the details of implementations proposed by the developers, you can arrive at a project budget very easily.

This will also help you keep track of the project during its development and keep your developers accountable. A good project scope is the key to successful project delivery.

How does Quick FPA ensure the accuracy of project estimates?

Quick FPA estimates are based on the relationship between the use cases and the types of implementations proposed by the developers. Quick FPA enforces the process for defining the technical implementations in a very detailed and structured manner so the developers can be held accountable. While creating the project scope or the estimate, these predefined implementations must be tied to the various use cases for your project to

form a complete set of tasks to be executed during the development. Such tightly coupled association between the use cases of your project and the technical implementations defined by its developers produces a very detailed and accurate scope documentation for your project. Quick FPA's unique set of software estimation tools are suited for any type of software development project.

Structure of

Software Estimation Document